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腾讯官方通过 Tencent://Message/协议可以让QQ用户显示QQ/TM的在线状态发布在互联网上;并且点击 ,不用加好友也可以聊天:
<a href="tencent://message/?uin=215555521&"> <img border="0" SRC='' alt="点击这里给我发消息"> </a>
Register protocol,此文中对于 Windows、Linux 和 OS X 操作系统如何注册协议都有说明。比如说 Windows,其实只需写入注册表,即可实现协议与执行程序的关联。例如腾讯的Tencent://Message协议注册表如下:
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"TENCENT] @="TencentProtocol" “URL Protocol"="D:""Program Files""Tencent""QQ""Timwp.exe" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"TENCENT"DefaultIcon] @="D:""Program Files""Tencent""QQ""Timwp.exe,1" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"TENCENT"shell] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"TENCENT"shell"open] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"TENCENT"shell"open"command] @="""D:""Program Files""Tencent""QQ""Timwp.exe"" ""%1"""
此注册表所实现的就是当浏览器(或其它)碰到 tencent://… 时,自动调用 Timwp.exe,并把 tencent://… 地址作为第一个参数传递给 Timwp.exe。
更多参见:Registering an Application to a URL Protocol。
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"TENCENT] @="TencentProtocol" “URL Protocol"="D:""Program Files""Tencent""QQ""Timwp.exe" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"TENCENT"DefaultIcon] @="D:""Program Files""Tencent""QQ""Timwp.exe,1" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"TENCENT"shell] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"TENCENT"shell"open] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"TENCENT"shell"open"command] @="""D:""Program Files""Tencent""QQ""Timwp.exe"" ""%1""" 复制代码 此注册表所实现的就是当浏览器(或其它)碰到 tencent://… 时,自动调用 Timwp.exe,并把 tencent://… 地址作为第一个参数传递给 Timwp.exe。 更多参见:Registering an Application to a URL Protocol。 附:原文 程序代码: A protocol is a method that is used to send, receive, and handle information over a connection. Common protocols viewed from the browser include http, ftp, and mailto. In order for you to view information sent over a specific protocol, it must be registered. Once registered, the protocol can then be handled by the program you specify, such as your browser or a 3rd party viewer. This means that a hyperlink ( e.g. foo://fred ) can use the handler for protocol foo to open the file named fred. Contents [hide] 1 Registering an unsupported protocol 1.1 Windows 1.2 Linux 1.3 OS X 2 Redirecting a registered protocol [edit]Registering an unsupported protocol Mozilla products utilize protocols defined internally, as well as those defined by the operating system. You can add the ability to use an unsupported protocol by registering it. The OS-specific method of doing this is described below. [edit]Windows Create the registry .reg file, replacing foo with your unregistered protocol, and the path with whatever handler program you want to run. Then merge it into the Windows registry. REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"foo] @="URL:foo Protocol" "URL Protocol"="" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"foo"shell] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"foo"shell"open] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"foo"shell"open"command] @="""C:""Program Files""Application""program.exe"" ""%1""" See Registering an Application to a URL Protocol for additional information. [edit]Linux Registration is unnecessary. Simply associate whatever proto: with a program through Firefox: Example: Add the sip: protocol to launch kphone for VoIP calls in Firefox: - Type about:config into the address bar - Right-click create new boolean value: network.protocol-handler.external.sip and set to true - Right-click create new boolean value: network.protocol-handler.warn-external.sip and set to false - Right-click create new string value: and set to /usr/bin/kphone This will actually launch kphone. Not sure if it will dial though. That is untested :) You can also optionally register the protocol with whatever window manager you are using. In KDE this is done through Control Center - KDE Components - File Associations. This step is usually unnecessary unless your window manager has a custom browser, such as konqueror. [edit]OS X Probably very similar to Linux (above). [edit]Redirecting a registered protocol If the protocol is already handled by the browser, you can specify what program will be used as a handler to open the file. To do this, add the pref: as a string with value C:"Program Files"Application"program.exe Note: If the path or name is incorrect, the browser will display an error saying "protocol (foo) isn't associated with any program". (See bug 312953). You may also need to use the following prefs, although this is uncertain: = true = false
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易語言 tencent://message协议返回值